Paul McManus manages our Women’s Development Team.
He brings a wealth of experience to the squad, travels 100's of miles each week to training & fixtures and manages the needs of his players.
We’re delighted this has been recognised in his nomination for the NL Sports Awards.
Greg Paton, a nominee for Young Coach of the Year, is an inspiration to players.
Having played in teams from a young age Greg was selected for the @ScotFACentral VIP coaching programme.
He gained his badges and now coaches his peers in the U19 squad. A richly deserved nomination.
Our final nominee in the North Lanarkshire Sports Awards is Malcy Taylor.
With a wealth of experience and a sense of fun Malcy is known to players of all ages through his involvement in school sessions, teams & events.
We’re delighted this has been recognised.
All finalists will be announced Friday 29th May on @NLActiveSchools and the winners will be announced on Friday 5th June.
Congratulations to all 3 Coaches on your nominations from everyone at Jax Mc Media and GOOD LUCK!